Viktor Massa

Logistics – Cleveland

Viktor Massa, a lifelong resident of Cleveland and dedicated member of the Cleveland Fire Department, brings his strong work ethic and positive attitude to his role at R.L. Wurz. Despite the demands of his firefighting duties, Viktor remains committed to his responsibilities at the company, displaying a “can-do” attitude and garnering the respect of his colleagues.

As a valuable member of the logistics team, Viktor prioritizes accuracy, safety, and professionalism in his interactions with customers, partners, and fellow employees. His ability to balance humor and dedication contributes to a positive work environment.

Viktor takes great pride in his Puerto Rican heritage as a first-generation Puerto Rican American. Family holds a special place in his heart, and he is dedicated to his daughters and parents, cherishing their presence in his life.

Viktor’s unwavering commitment to his work, strong sense of humor, and deep dedication to his family make him an esteemed and respected member of the R.L. Wurz team.

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(800) 969-1754
13320 Enterprise Ave, Cleveland, OH 44135
(234) 226-7152
71 Elinor Avenue, Akron, Ohio 44305

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